Monday, January 09, 2006

Look how happy she is to have a granolla bar! I had run out of rockets, but judging by her dental plan, I'm betting this was a good thing.

8Asked For Spare Change!:

Asked For Spare Change! Blogger Big Mama said...

That was so sweet! She looks so happy for a granola bar.

How did you ask her for a pic? "I have a panhandler's website and you are the "Bum-O-The-Day" can I have your pic for posterity?" LOL!!!

Oh that is SO wrong and I am SO going to hell for that....

2:13 PM  
Asked For Spare Change! Blogger Mr. Shife said...

She is very happy. I usually only get that happy when I get mac and cheese.

3:12 PM  
Asked For Spare Change! Blogger Design Goddess said...

I don't know...those granola bars can be pretty hard to chew!

3:45 PM  
Asked For Spare Change! Blogger cher said...

big mama- i don't normally ask them for a picture. my aproach is something like this..."I don't have any money for you, but would you like a granolla bar?" they normally say yes and thankyou and then i just hold up my camera and say "say cheese" and then tell them to enjoy it. lol. if anyone is ever really against it i can just delete it. noone has ever minded. they are normally so happy for the treats and that i didn't spit on them.

mr shife...hmmmm maybe THAT'S what I should be handing out instead.

8:37 PM  
Asked For Spare Change! Blogger jamwall said...

i have granola bars in my pants!

8:59 PM  
Asked For Spare Change! Blogger LBseahag said...

she looks like that asian lady a little from months ago...did she change her hair color??


1:14 AM  
Asked For Spare Change! Blogger Big Mama said...

LOL!! I have often wondered how y'all get pictures of them, LOL!!!

We have a bum here in that walks around with a dog in his shopping cart. So really he owns a homeless dog. I am gonna have to go in search of for you....

8:00 AM  
Asked For Spare Change! Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

5:20 PM  

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