Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I snapped this on the 5 and Sunland...

What the hell is this crap? A freeway off-ramp yard sale?

That vacuum sucks...

Monday, November 28, 2005

This dude struck a pose for me!

He was just chillin' after a long night of loitering...
Cupcake sent us this's fricking hilarious!

Dis Ride Got pimped!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Saturday-7:27 AM- Where is she?

What time does she set up her stand?

She left an umbrella...sorta like a territorial pissing...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Lookie! The little scrub-cats were out and about today....they are being a tad more friendly in hopes of getting turkey leftovers. Cher, I would've given them Rockets, but I figured it might spoil their dinner...

She's still there! According to California Squatter Law, I think this nut-job actually owns the City of Long Beach...

I got brave and sneaked around the backside...I notice water and cleaning products....Nobody likes a messy campground...Perhaps she had company over for the Holiday...(please hum the White Stripes song "My Doorbell" here...)

And lastly...I snapped this abandoned Paycheck on Wheels exiting my office's garage....
Hmmm....Now where did I leave my cart?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I swear as I went past this old VW it asked for some spare change.
Check out that back tire!
Being the tender heart that I am, I left it a treat.

Monday, November 21, 2005

How's this for beachfront property? Its like the fricking KOA Kampground...

Long Beach, CA.

Love how the plastic ground tarp conveys such a sanitary I know where I'm spending Thanksgiving...Fire-roasted seagull....yummy...

And panhandling cats? Why, yes...check this out...some organization feed these little guys...and they get to crap where they wanna and soak up the sun...assholes...
This is hilarious...
Stupid Criminal Kid

His mom deserves a medal for humiliating this loser...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Something that keeps me up at night...

Are there any happy moments out there, when someone totally fricking mental says, "Whoah! I am normal again! Whew! That was scary...."

This chic was sleeping on the ground in front of the El Capitan theatre in Hollywood, then was pissed off when they threatened to arrest her....I caught up with her a few blocks later...she was speaking in tongues...I asked her if I could take her picture, and she wouldn't look at me...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ok, I saw this guy sleeping.
He kinda looked like he had peed his pants.I liked the idea of him waking up and thinking some
angel from Heaven came down with Rockets and Granoola bars.
Although, he could have been dead.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I was so ecstatic after snapping these photos...this is the gnarly money-whore that initially inspired me to create this blog...I see her grubby ass all over downtown LB...but only when I don't have my camera...
Until today....

And I found her while shopping for my other blog ....

Uhh...I don't think they sell crank at Albertsons....

She has dreads, on accident....

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Best Photo Site:
Winner - raymi Raymi the Minx
Honorable Mention - LBSeahag & Cher Panhandlers Gone Wild

Not that I thought we would win once I realized who we were up against.....BUT thanks everyone from the bottom of our blogging hearts for your votes and support!!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I came across this photo and just knew it had earned a place on our humble little site here. I wonder what kind of view the person has in the red car.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Panhandlers Gone Wild
has been nominated for an award! I've never won anything in my life. Well, except one time I got a call from Purdy's chocolate saying I'd won a pumpkin...I went to go pick it up all excited about some huge solid chocolate pumpkin I thought I'd won and it turned out to be just an everyday ordinary pumpkin. I was cheesed. Anyway, please go to the site below and vote for our site ok?

digitalicat said...

Greetings! I'm quite pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for an award from The Order of Brilliant Bloggers for the month of October.

The Order of Brilliant Bloggers is a grass roots group dedicated to recognizing the excellence among us.

Feel free to encourage your readers to stop by and vote for you. Voting for October will run until November 5th, 11:59pm EST.

Congratulations and we hope to see you participating in our group.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My friend Jen sent this to me. This guy is downtown Victoria all the time. She informs me that he is a BUSKER, not a panhandler. I say whatever. He still wants our cash. I snapped a photo of him on Saturday when I was downtown with my parents. He's just setting up for the day. Click to enlarge.